Condemned by Karl Rove and the Corrupt GOP Establishment

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

As expected, Karl Rove is making the rounds spewing his calculations of the 2016 presidential race and condemning those who do not meet his approval. But Rove’s analysis is greeted with derision by Americans who reject the corruption and predatory practices inside the Republican Party establishment.

During my campaign for the U.S. Senate in 2012 (on the ballot, Florida) I faced the onslaught of CONDEMNED BY KARL ROVE AND THE CORRUPT GOP ESTABLISHMENT Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.obstacles from the GOP establishment in Florida. My experience in 2012 is evident again this year– but to an even more vicious level, considering that now it involves the race for the White House.

Here are my reflections on the corruption inside the Republican Party– and the operatives who dedicate their lives– and line their pockets– by preventing authentic conservatives from getting elected (originally published on 18 February, 2013):

“Karl Rove is not the problem. Let me tell you why…”

We all know that Karl Rove is a man who puts power and money before principles– and he does not hide it.  At least you cannot accuse him of trying to cover-up his true colors.  Such is not the case with other chameleons posing as “conservatives”.

My candidacy for the U.S. Senate 2012 (FL) as an authentic conservative Republican (social and fiscal) who never ran for office before –-turned into a Herculean effort to overcome the roadblocks, opposition or wall of silence placed before me, by groups and individuals who claim to be “conservative” Republicans.  In spite of this, I was able to raise enough money to intensely campaign throughout Florida for an entire year– and to qualify as one of four candidates on the ballot.

My experience on the campaign trail showed that there are very few authentic conservatives– and they certainly are not connected with the GOP establishment.  Of course, anyone who is a Republican these days claims to be “conservative”.

If we had so many conservatives, our nation would not be in such a deplorable social and fiscal state.

This farcical claim to conservatism has reached such a scandalous level, that there are true conservatives who are afraid to be associated with the “other conservatives.”

Reflections on my cup of coffee

This morning, as I was drinking my cup of coffee and catching up with assorted news items, I reflected on an article published by USAToday titled, The architect’s designs incur wrath of GOP’s grass roots (captioned above).  The article begins with a quote by radio talk show host, Mark Levin.  I must say that– while Levin may have supported certain candidates in the past that were perceived as conservatives– my experience showed me that he failed miserably with his endorsement during the U.S. Senate Primary 2012 in Florida.  His endorsed candidate eventually dropped out– not because he lacked money– but because he could not present a true contrast against the liberal Democrat incumbent.  I contacted Mark Levin both in writing and by telephone, after listening to him say on the air that the candidate he endorsed  was “the only true conservative“ in the U.S. Senate Primary in Florida.  The  abrupt assistant who answered the phone at his radio show told me that Levin was not interested in speaking to any other Republican candidate in the U.S. Senate Primary race in Florida.  My letter to Levin went unanswered.  His actions left much to be desired– and disappointed many who were long-time listeners of his show.

Club for Growth and its president, Chris Chocola, are also mentioned in the USAToday article.   Chocola’s statement–- that electability is “a false standard” that favors popularity over principle– is not representative of Club for Growth’s actions.   Chocola went on to say that his club  ”is trying to improve the gene pool of Congress based on principle.”


My personal experience with Club for Growth is that it absolutely puts money before principles.  When I contacted Club for Growth as a very hard-working authentic conservative grassroots Republican candidate, I was asked to raise a minimum of $500,000 before Club for Growth would even consider me, in spite of my strong positions on the economy, national security and foreign policy– and in spite of having received a prestigious endorsement from Republican Congressman Robert (“B-1 Bob”) Dornan (Ret), one of the most conservative voices ever heard on Capitol Hill.

When I insisted that I was a principled candidate that would not follow political expediency, I was again asked to raise $500,000 in order to be considered viable.  So much for principle before popularity.  I have to assume that my pro-life without exceptions– and my pro-traditional marriage positions, did not make me “viable” in the materialistic environment of Club for Growth.  Mr. Chris Chocola should be more careful with the statements that he is giving to the press.  Some of us with experience are watching and listening closely.

There are many other groups, not mentioned in the USAToday article, who also claim to be “conservative”.  These groups say that they stand for principle over money– but their actions do not reflect their words.  Donors beware.

My recommendation remains the same.  Public policies must be based on the Commandments of God and the Natural Law– which binds all men, for all time and in all circumstances.  This is the only authentic conservative path that will lead to the urgent protection of our right to life, freedom, property and happiness.  Anything else is charlatanism, greed– and a disguised desire to simply be in control of the big government that is forcing our nation into a Socialist abyss.

Karl Rove is not the problem.  As conservatives, our problem is the enemy within.

It’s time to lift the fog… someone has to say the truth.

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

(“Karl Rove is not the problem, let me tell you why…” (originally published on 18 February, 2013)


Karl Rove, GOP Corruption, Republican Party establishment, U.S. Senate race in Florida 2012, Marielena Montesino de Stuart, News, Noticias, Notizie, Nouvelles, Current Events, Condemned by Karl Rove and the Corrupt GOP Establishment, 2016 Presidential Election.


Is Fox News Recalibrating your Conservative Brain?

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

A reader brought to my attention statements made by Peter Johnson Jr., the Fox News legal analyst. Johnson suggests that Republicans need to “recalibrate” immediately– and should consider Obama’s next Supreme Court nominee. Let’s examine this juridical travesty.


IS FOX NEWS RECALIBRATING YOUR CONSERVATIVE BRAIN? Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

I have never been a “fan” of any particular news program or network. As such, I obtain my information from different sources (and in various languages)– without allegiance to any specific source.

I look for truth and facts.

We all know too well how the mainstream media lies and spins issues. Case in point: Fox News– which has been pitching itself as a “fair and balanced” news source for conservatives– appears to be the poster child of farcical conservatives hoodwinking their loyal “conservative” fans.

Peter Johnson Jr.’s position as a legal analyst for Fox News– and his connection with Roger Ailes, the Chairman and CEO of Fox News and the Fox Television Stations Group, has placed Johnson on a privileged legal opinion pedestal.

Roger Ailes’s four-year contract with News Corp., is said to have been negotiated by Johnson for a reported amount of over $30 million annually.  With this kind of money in play, it is obvious that Johnson is being given a strong platform on Fox News– but are “conservatives” paying attention to what Peter Johnson Jr., is saying?

I recently republished a piece I wrote on September 25, 2013 detailing the unanimous US Senate Republican confirmation of Todd M. Hughes, a liberal gay-activist judge nominated by Barack Obama. In my commentary I stated that we cannot trust the Republicans currently in the US Senate if they’re faced with Obama’s nominee to the Supreme Court vacancy left by Justice Scalia. However, Peter Johnson Jr., seems to trust these Republicans who have let us down, time and again– as they fail to uphold authentic conservative values– not with words, but with deeds.

Please listen to the following audio recording of Johnson’s statements to Tucker Carlson on Fox (16 Feb. 2016). The transcript is also provided below. Johnson’s legal opinion reflects exactly what is wrong with the GOP:

TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): I think there’re very few Republicans who want to see President Obama in his eighth year in office fill the ninth seat of the Supreme Court. The question is, as a tactical matter was it wise for the Senate majority leader to say we’re not even going to consider a nominee?

PETER JOHNSON JR.: No, I think the Republicans have to recalibrate immediately.
When you make a mistake, say you make a mistake. Part of the reason the outsiders are doing so well is that they’re disgusted with the Congress of the United States. Democrats and Republicans. And if you were a Republican leader to say we’re not going to count any nomination, any person that the president puts up, that’s a problem. They’re going to have a countdown and a clock as to the intransigence of the United States Senate going forward.

CARLSON: So you’re saying it would be wiser just to take a look at the nominees and then evaluate them and then turn them down if you don’t like them?

JOHNSON JR.: It is what I’m saying. In order to be true to conservative principles, in order to be true to the Constitution, in order to be true to the memory of Justice Scalia, then you say yes, Mr. President, send who you want to send over. We’re going to take a look at that man or woman, whoever you send, and we’re going to make a determination. Because you obviously have decided in spite of precedent, most precedent, you say in an election year that you want to force the issue. Fine. If you want to force the issue, then you will force the issue, and we in due time, just as you in due time making a nomination, will decide whether to consent to that nomination of a United States Supreme Court justice.

CARLSON: So they wouldn’t have to confirm the nominees.

JOHNSON JR.: The Republicans need to step it back at this point and say, listen, we’re going to grieve for Justice Scalia at this point, then we’re going to make a determination about where we are. There’s no line in the sand. My concern is, A. conservative principles, B. the Constitution and also the future of a two-party system. Where will the Republican party be two or three years from now when it is remembered that the Republican party said we would not — we would not even look at a nominee for the United States Supreme Court? It’s not smart. It’s not good for our future. It’s not good for our governance, and it’s not good for the notion that this government is responsive to the needs of the people. We need a Supreme Court with nine folks on it. It’s that simple. They need to step it back today.

There are those who simply want information poured into their brain by talking-heads on television. For such people, Fox News is the perfect source. But if you are a person who thinks and you are tired of being lied to or given half-truths– then it is time that you step outside the box– before individuals like Peter Johnson Jr., continue to “recalibrate” your conservative brain.

In spite of the onslaught of socialism and assault on our freedom of speech– thinking, after all, is still allowed.

It’s time to lift the fog… someone has to say the truth.

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.


Fox News, Is Fox News Recalibrating your Conservative Brain?, Fox News, Peter Johnson Jr., Tucker Carlson, Conservatism, News, Notizie, Noticias, Nouvelles, Current Events, Supreme Court Nominee, Barack Obama, Marielena Montesino de Stuart.

THE LAST SCENE: Celebrating love between one man and one woman

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Marielena Montesino de StuartCelebrating love between one man and one woman. This is God’s gift to us for the continuation of humanity. It doesn’t get better than that… Happy Valentine’s Day.

— Marielena

Read today’s commentary below.

THE LAST SCENE... Celebrating Love between One Man and One Woman - Copyright Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.


Allow me to begin today’s brief commentary by quoting from a piece that I published on 15 August 2015, titled: “ESPRESSO WITH MARIELENA: The wicked and deceitful man.”

“With so many political expediency dogmas in place, we can see that religion and God are placed on the back burner–and brought to the front only when politicians need all the help they can get in order to control societal unrest or improve their image. More and more we see how God is used as a convenient tool– and not as the basis for sound public policy.

Without God our earthly efforts become a string of intentional fallacies.”

The United States of America has been deeply wounded for many decades, morally and financially, with the decisions that have come out of the U.S. Supreme Court. Roe vs. Wade, Obamacare and homosexual “marriage” have thrown the United States into the abyss of materialistic atheism (socialism). I have spent most of my adult life warning others about this catastrophe, which continues to advance through the socialist indoctrination of young people. It is no wonder that a very large percentage of millennials support Bernie Sanders.

During my campaign for the U.S. Senate in 2012 (on the ballot) I was scolded by certain so-called “conservatives” in the Republican Party for denouncing those in our midst who claim that they support marriage between one man and one woman– but are found fraternizing and socializing in homosexual circles– while they seek money and support from the homosexual collective for their political endeavors. Here’s a current example.

This duality hypocrisy is pervasive and persistent in Republican circles. I have also been criticized for exposing those who claim to be pro-life– but consider that they still reserve the right to choose who gets to live and who gets to die. That, dear reader, is not an authentic pro-life position (particularly if you are a Catholic!)– as in this case and this case.

I am a strong and positive woman who likes to see the glass half full– but when it comes to the state of our country, there’s not much to feel positive about these days. Consider the results of the current moral immoral scenario:

√ Millions of children have been killed through abortion– so many, in fact, that the number now exceeds the population of Great Britain.

√ Men “marry” men.

√ Women “marry” women.

√ Homage is paid to individuals in powerful positions (judges, legislators, educators) based, in great part, on their openness about their sexual recreation as homosexuals– which is extolled as a virtue.

If this immoral scenario does not upset you deeply– then you too have become a fellow traveler who is willing to participate and remain in this socialist abyss.

Now that I have totally disrupted your Valentine’s Day with the truth… allow me to share with you a  short video clip below, from the last scene of the classic film A Man and a Woman. Hurry up and watch it… before the enemies of God’s true love take it down.

— Marielena
February 14, 2016

It’s time to lift the fog… someone has to say the truth.
Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.


Use and/or duplication of this material in whole or in part is strictly prohibited, with the exception of one excerpt per article, which must be limited to 25 (twenty five) words, provided that full and clear credit is given to Marielena Montesino de Stuart. The excerpt must include the link to the original content.



Marielena Montesino de Stuart, Marielena Speaks, Marielena Stuart, Valentine’s Day, One Man One Woman,Notizie, Noticias, News, Homosexual “marriage”, Current Events, ABORTION, L’Avortement, Matrimony,  Marriage, Mariage, Matrimony, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush.

THE 2016 RACE FOR THE WHITE HOUSE: Are Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio the “New Conservatives”?

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

THE 2016 RACE FOR THE WHITE HOUSE- Are Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio the %22New Conservatives%22? Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

Let’s examine this new breed of “conservatives” running for POTUS.

The following is an important excerpt from an article I published on December 10, 2013. It should be of great interest to my readers as they ponder the 2016 U.S. presidential election:

THE 2016 RACE FOR THE WHITE HOUSE - Are Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio the %22New Conservatives%22? Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.
Scan to read this popular article on mobile device

The New World Order that we live under—famously lauded by Republican U.S. President, George Herbert Walker Bush, has indeed grown deep roots in the minds of people all over the world. So much so, that religious leaders, politicians and monarchs who claim to care for the plight of the poor, have either issued statements (as in the Vatican’s statement issued by Francis) or have arrived in Johannesburg for Nelson Mandela’s memorial service, claiming to honor Mandela—a man who shamelessly admired Fidel Castro’s brutal Communist dictatorship, clearly stated as follows:

“From its earliest days, the Cuban Revolution has also been a source of inspiration to all freedom-loving people. We admire the sacrifices of the Cuban people in maintaining their independence and sovereignty in the face of the vicious imperialist-orchestrated campaign to destroy the impressive gain made in the Cuban Revolution… Long live the Cuban Revolution. Long live comrade Fidel Castro.”—Nelson Mandela, July 26, 1991, Cuba

Nelson Mandela and Fidel Castro
Nelson Mandela and Fidel Castro

Another participant in the Mandela memorial service, who shocked many (except for me) was none other than U.S. Senator Ted Cruz from Texas, who issued the following statement, before traveling to Johannesburg:

“Nelson Mandela will live in history as an inspiration for defenders of liberty around the globe. He stood firm for decades on the principle that until all South Africans enjoyed equal liberties he would not leave prison himself, declaring in his autobiography, ‘Freedom is indivisible; the chains on any one of my people were the chains on all of them, the chains on all of my people were the chains on me.’ Because of his epic fight against injustice, an entire nation is now free. 

“We mourn his loss and offer our condolences to his family and the people of South Africa.” — U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (Republican-Texas) – December 5, 2013

Ted Cruz has chosen to ignore Mandela’s admitted terrorist past as a Communist.  Cruz has also chosen to ignore the fact that Mandela institutionalized unfettered abortion in South Africa– and that he single-handedly turned South Africa into a nation with some the most liberal laws on earth.

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Based on Cruz’ public statement of admiration for Mandela and his decision to participate in the Mandela memorial event, is it possible that Senator Ted Cruz still harbors admiration for his own father’s participation as a pro-Castro revolutionary activist?  “’He was a guerilla, throwing Molotov cocktails and blowing up buildings,‘ Ted Cruz told the Austin American-Statesman [about his father] for a profile published in January 2006,” according to The Dallas Morning News (October 25, 2011).

How else are we to explain Ted Cruz’ statement honoring Mandela– and his subsequent pilgrimage to South Africa to be at the memorial?

This two-sided political approach is very common in the Cuban exiled community and among those of Cuban descent, who often view their parents’ former socialist pro-Castro activism with starry-eyed idealism, while they also denounce Castro. This inconsistent political behavior is precisely what has divided the Cuban exiled community for more than 50 years.

As I said above, Ted Cruz’ participation in Nelson Mandela’s memorial and his written statement did not take me by surprise. Ted Cruz wants to have it both ways, but principled conservatives do not behave this way.

In what appears to be an obvious attempt to defuse the criticisms he has been receiving, Ted Cruz “walked out” when Raúl Castro was delivering his speech at the Mandela memorial. Too little, too late.

Another admirer of Nelson Mandela is U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, also of Cuban descent. Marco Rubio’s ambiguous account of his family’s return to Cuba afterCastro’s takeover in January 1959, continues to raise questions and eyebrows– considering that the executions of hundreds of innocent Cubans began immediately in 1959, in the fortress of La Cabaña. In addition, it was well known that hundreds of innocent farmers and civilians had been executed throughout the island by Castro and his band of Marxist thugs during their terrorist “revolution.” By 1960 all American businesses in Cuba had been nationalized without compensation– and the United States had broken off diplomatic relations with Havana.

Given these conditions, why did Marco Rubio’s parents leave the United States and return to Cuba to live under Castro?

Although Senator Marco Rubio did not travel to Johannesburg for Mandela’s memorial, his admiration for Nelson Mandela shows that Senator Marco Rubio and Senator Ted Cruz suffer from the same malady of political inconsistency. Much has changed with Rubio since he ran for the U.S. Senate.  Here is Marco Rubio’s statement paying homage to Mandela:

“The world has lost one of history’s most important figures, though Nelson Mandela’s example will live on for generations to come. Men and women striving for justice and fairness around the world have drawn inspiration from Nelson Mandela, and he showed South Africans and the entire world what the power of forgiveness truly means and can accomplish. My wife Jeanette and I send our condolences to the Mandela family and to the people of South Africa.” — U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (Republican-Florida) December 5, 2013.

Nelson Mandela and Communism

Nelson Mandela was not a political prisoner. He was imprisoned for espousing violent activities through the Umkhonto we Sizwe (abbreviated MK)– a terrorist organization which he co-founded, as the “armed” wing of the African National Congress (ANC).

During his trial Nelson Mandela pleaded guilty to 156 acts of public violence, which included organizing terrorist bombing campaigns. Scores of innocent people, both black and white, were killed by Nelson Mandela’s Umkhonto we Sizwe terrorists, including women and children. In any other country Nelson Mandela would have been sentenced to death, or would have spent life in prison. Yet, he enjoyed communication privileges unheard of, for a prisoner with such a criminal record.

As such, even Amnesty International, which is well known for its progressive side, would not take on Mandela’s case, since he was not a political prisoner (“prisoner of conscience”). In addition, pursuant to Amnesty International’s criterion, a “prisoner of conscience” must not have used nor advocated violence.

As cruel and abominable as apartheid was, Mandela’s legacy of terrorist violence and support of murderous Communist dictatorships cannot be justified

By the time Mandela came out of prison and became President of South Africa he had given up on the idea of full-blown communism, given that he would not receive aid from the Soviet Union, which had recently collapsed.

Cuba’s communism, which Mandela so admired, was his scariest example of a communist country starving after its long dependence on the Soviet Union.  However, the communists from the former Communist bloc resurfaced through Sustainable Development (Agenda 21)– which is the United Nations socialist global initiative.  The operatives of Agenda 21 have worked tirelessly in Africa to advance socialism– in ways that the Soviet Union could not achieve.  Socialist politicians all over the world, including Mandela, have advanced their causes with the help of Sustainable Development, much more than they ever could with the help of the Soviets.

While Nelson Mandela praised Fidel Castro’s Communist dictatorship, the Strait of Florida had already become a cemetery for untold hundreds of thousands of Cubans who had drowned trying to escape.  This does not include the untold number executed by Castro’s government forces.  After nearly 55 years of Castro’s Communist dictatorship, the human loss has become one of the worst catastrophes recorded in modern history.  But New World Order religious leaders, politicians and monarchs do not feel it is in their best interest to demand that the Communist dagger be removed from the heart of the Cuban people…

For the rest of this article please go to The New World Order descends on Johannesburg

It’s time to lift the fog… someone has to say the truth.

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

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Let’s figure this out…

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Screen Shot 2016-01-18 at 4.06.05 PM


It’s time to lift the fog… someone has to say the truth.

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

Political correctness is not truth

Political correctness is not truth. Political correctness is a selfish feel-good malady.

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Espresso with Marielena… (quick reflections while I sip my cup of coffee)

ESPRESSO WITH MARIELENA... Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.Don’t forget that socialists (so-called “progressives”) lead the charge for political correctness when it comes to how humanity is supposed to react to the violence perpetrated by Islamic extremists.

Examine closely the Islamization of Europe and who are the politicians behind it. 

Also, examine closely who has (for decades!) aided and supported states sponsors of terrorism, like Cuba– which until Obama’s recent “diplomacy” was listed as a state sponsor of terrorism by the State Dept., in Washington DC. Specifically, the State Department determined that Cuba had “repeatedly provided support for acts of international terrorism”– along with Iran, Syria and Sudan.

Must read… EVIL BEGETS EVIL: Terrorism seen through the eyes of a Cuban

It is also critical that we remain aware of fake conservatives, who suffer from this political-correctness malady. Authentic conservatives who truly love their fellow man DO NOT practice political correctness.

As Christians, we are called to love– but this does not mean that we must succumb to social myopia, which blurs our sacred obligation to help innocent members of society.

Help your fellow man, by not giving in to political correctness. The most powerful weapon against evil is the truth– when it is spoken with decency, dignity and facts!

It’s time to lift the fog… someone has to say the truth.

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

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