Lions, Bulls and Babies… unfortunately in that order

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

During the past two weeks the world has seen the investigative undercover videos that are exposing the brutal dismemberment of babies at Planned Parenthood– for the purpose of selling their tissues and body parts.

Watching these videos is a hellish experience– but one which humanity needs to confront. Unfortunately, liberal politicians and “social justice” advocates for women’s “health rights” are out in force trying to turn the issue around by questioning the “legality” of the undercover investigation that has exposed these heinous crimes.

What a cowardly act!

In fact, a temporary restraining order has been issued by the Los Angeles Superior Court preventing the Center for Medical Progress, the group which conducted the Planned Parenthood investigation, from releasing any videos of leaders of a California “company” (Planned Parenthood) that provides fetal tissue to “researchers.”

Public indignation about Planned Parenthood’s savage practices is coming mostly from the pro-life sector– with some pro-choicers feeling a bit queasy– but too afraid to rock the women’s rights boat, while the liberal talking heads mostly ignore this massacre of babies.

Now, in comes Cecil the lion– who was killed by a dentist from Minnesota while on safari in Zimbabwe. There’s no question that killing this beloved lion was senseless– but the attention that Cecil the lion has received from the media and through social networking completely overshadows the attention that dismembered babies have received.

A similar situation exists in Spain, where there’s a socialist movement focused on outlawing bullfighting– while thousands of babies are murdered through abortion. Interestingly, the very people who are determined to interfere with bullfighting are also promoting the Islamization of Spain. For example, separatists in Catalonia– which is one of Spain’s autonomous regions, encourage the building of mosques and Islamic centers in exchange for votes in favor of cessation.

Meanwhile, Cecile– the “lioness” of Planned Parenthood– has published an opinion piece in the Washington Post fiercely defending Planned Parenthood’s barbaric practices and trying to portray PP’s business as “medicine” by stating that “medical and scientific conversations can be upsetting to hear…”

What is “medical” or “scientific” about tearing a baby apart and selling his or her tissues and body parts?

We live in a world where lions and bulls come before babies. Unreal, is it not?

How can anyone with blood running through their veins defend the barbaric practice of dismembering helpless babies?  It is evident that some very dark forces have taken over humanity– as we witness the lack of indignation and outrage against these merchants of death.

It’s time to lift the fog… someone has to say the truth.

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

Cecil, Lion, Planned Parenthood, Bullfighting, Spain, Zimbabwe, Abortion, Pro-Choice, Pro-Abortion, Marielena Montesino de Stuart.

#Cecil #Lion #plannedparenthood #bullfighting #Spain #Zimbabwe #Abortion #Pro-Choice #Pro-Abortion #socialism #Safari #marielenamontesinodestuart #barbarism

Published by

Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Marielena Montesino de Stuart Conservative Columnist and Speaker. Republican Candidate for the U.S. Senate (on the ballot 2012 - Florida). New Leadership and Courage for America.