Marielena Montesino de Stuart - Photo - Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart.

AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO ALL U.S. PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES: There’s no such thing as a deal with Communist Cuba

Communists lie. Communists cheat. Communists steal.

(With a commentary on the Pensacola Yacht Club Race to Havana)

Marielena Montesino de Stuart - Photo - Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart.
Marielena Montesino de Stuart

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

In the past few weeks we witnessed Barack Obama humiliating the American and the Cuban people by establishing diplomatic relations with Communist Cuba, and raising the venerable flag of the United States of America in Havana. My commentary titled “AN ACT OF COWARDICE: U.S. Diplomatic Relations with Communist Cuba” amplifies my opinion on this matter.

Presidential candidates in the United States must not mislead the American public into the assumption that Obama’s so-called “diplomacy” with the Marxist Castro brothers can be maintained and improved under a new administration.

There’s no such thing as diplomacy with communists. Communists do not believe in diplomacy. They lie. They cheat. They steal.

Communists only believe in absolute control and oppression of the people they rule. Communism is the most dangerous form of extremism in modern times—because of its long-running, pervasive and persistent nature. Our fight to eradicate Islamic extremism, in all its horrific and dangerous forms, is actually a feasible intelligence and military endeavor in the hands of a competent U.S. President. But the fight to eradicate communism will take generations. Over 120 million people have died worldwide at the hands of communists and their fellow travelers. The numbers continue to rise.

Communists in Cuba will take advantage of U.S. government aid (as they have for years) which is provided by the American taxpayer—and they will not change a single aspect of their despotic practices. In fact, within hours of Obama raising our stars and stripes on Cuban soil, the head of the Cuban “diplomatic” delegation, Josefina Vidal, stated that the Cuban government would not change “one iota” of its policies.

Straight from the communist horse’s mouth

 U.S. presidential candidates need to open their eyes and read the statements coming out of Cuba. For example, here is an excerpt of a report published on May 26, 2015 in Granma, which is Cuba’s publication for communist propaganda under the control of the government in Havana– specifically identified as “the official voice of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee.”

The report features statements made by Vidal. Bold added for emphasis:

“It seemed strange to me, at the closing of the 7th Summit of the Americas in Panama, to hear President Obama, during his press conference, say that the purpose of U.S. policy, in the case of Cuba, was not regime change.

 Therefore, we hope that as we advance in the process toward normalization of relations, we will see a better match between this type of statement and real life.

 Real life tells us that they are still requesting multi-million dollar funding to sustain these types of programs which Cuba considers illegal, since they are programs directed toward provoking change within our country, and which, at the same time, are being attempted without any sort of consent from authorities or the Cuban government.”

Sadly, many Americans (as well as many Cubans who have claimed political asylum in the United States) are pouring into Cuba as tourists. Cruise lines are offering vacation packages. The Pensacola Yacht Club sailed yesterday with a flotilla of cruiser sailboats towards Cuba—where they will be warmly welcomed by a contingency of communists who will undoubtedly offer them Cuban drinks, in exchange for free propaganda. The Pensacola Yacht Club even had the audacity of providing an information link to a website that promotes tourism to this tragic island controlled by tyrants. See reference section below.

The hubris of those involved in the U.S.-Cuba tourism and cultural “exchange” industries and organizations is absolutely immoral—and an insult to humanity, when one considers the hunger, lack of basic human services, oppression, torture, imprisonment and “disappearance” of Cubans who dare to express their opposition to their despotic communist military government—while these ignorant yachting and tourism enthusiasts arrive on the shores of the island prison!

No. There’s no way to “deal” with the murderers in the Communist Cuban government. The only deal that could ever work is an offer they can’t refuse.

It’s time to lift the fog… someone has to say the truth.

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved


GRANMA-CUBA’S COMMUNIST PROPAGANDA NEWSPAPER – Josefina Vidal discusses recent talks in Washington. › World › Granma – Official voice of the PCC

Pensacola to Havana race starts today

Pensacola Yacht Club – Pensacola Yacht Club – Racing

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Published by

Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Marielena Montesino de Stuart Conservative Columnist and Speaker. Republican Candidate for the U.S. Senate (on the ballot 2012 - Florida). New Leadership and Courage for America.