ALL IN A DAY’S WORK: Obama threatens the poor and surrenders to communists

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Obama’s transformation of America looks more like a boat floating straight into hell.

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Obama hugs Cecile, the lioness of Planned Parenthood. According to Obama, if states defund Planned Parenthood– then they will not get Medicaid for the poor.

Not only did the POTUS surrender to the communists in Havana today– but now he is threatening to cut off funding for Medicaid, a program which provides medical services for the poor. His threat is aimed at states that are trying to defund Planned Parenthood’s Death Camps– where babies are dismembered and their body parts are sold to the highest bidder.

I wonder how long it will take Americans to admit that they have been taken over by the socialist strategy– which is now unfolding at full speed. Obama is pushing his agenda with the help and determination of carefully selected operatives who are solidifying his socialist transformation. These operatives are embedded in every nook and cranny of the federal government.

The Wall Street Journal reported on 12 August 2015, “States warned over ending Medicaid funds for Planned Parenthood” 


The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, a unit of HHS, has notified Alabama and Louisiana, which have taken action to terminate their Medicaid provider agreements with Planned Parenthood, that they may be in conflict with federal law, HHS said. The agency said that, by restricting providers, women could lose access to critical preventive care, such as cancer screenings.

HHS said it provided both states with guidance it released in a June 2011 memo, which says states aren’t permitted to exclude providers from Medicaid solely on the basis of the range of medical services they provide. The memo says states may exclude providers under certain circumstances, such as when providers commit fraud or certain criminal acts.

If federal and state officials can’t resolve the matter informally, states can request a hearing. If that, too, fails to result in a settlement, CMS can cut federal Medicaid funds to the state if it is found to be in violation.

Camilo Cienfuegos - Cuban rebel who fought alongside Fidel Castro
Camilo Cienfuegos – Cuban rebel who fought alongside Fidel Castro

The communist rebels who took over Cuba did so over half a century ago with

Ernest Moniz, US Sec. of Energy
Ernest Moniz, US Sec. of Energy

long hair, filthy beards and farcical military uniforms, claiming “social justice.”

America’s “social justice” revolution is being led today by shorthaired “progressives”– except for climate change enthusiast, Ernest Moniz, who is the current Secretary of Energy– and who appears to love his long page boy hairdo!!

But the end goal is the same: creating chaos and confusion in our society (both moral and financial) in order to step in with government “solutions” aimed at choking our freedom, by controlling every aspect of the population– including who gets to live and who must die. In Cuba over 60% of pregnancies end up in abortion– and the communist regime pays for them. Cuba has one of the highest abortion and infanticide rates in the world. This is how the Castro regime justifies Cuba’s false “low infant mortality rate.”

Why should you be surprised that Obama is hugging Cecile, the President of Planned Parenthood? He wants “social justice!”

Why should you be surprised that Obama has surrendered to communist Cuba? He wants “social justice!”

… and guess what? The Cuban government, which claims that the Cuban people are lacking in basic human services and food because of the US Embargo– has enough money to pay for sex change operations, also known as “gender reassignment.”

… and guess what else? Just like Cuba, California (a true model of socialist activism) now uses taxpayer funds to pay for sex change operations of inmates in the state’s prison system.

Communists and “progressives” survive through constant lies and by promoting moral chaos in our society– and it’s all done on your nickel.

Part of this chaos is Obama’s latest ultimatum– which should send chills down the backs of the poor who need access to Medicaid, with his attempt to hitch the financing of their medical care to the blood bath at Planned Parenthood.

Welcome to “social justice!”

It’s time to lift the fog… someone has to say the truth.

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

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Published by

Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Marielena Montesino de Stuart Conservative Columnist and Speaker. Republican Candidate for the U.S. Senate (on the ballot 2012 - Florida). New Leadership and Courage for America.