ESPRESSO WITH MARIELENA: In case you missed it…

Commentaries and observations by Marielena Montesino de Stuart

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

Politics / Pope Francis / Donald Trump /

THE COMMUNISTS IN WASHINGTON DC: Exposing the truth about U.S. Counterintelligence espionage against President Trump


Introduction by Marielena Montesino de Stuart

President Donald Trump is turning the international globalist communist agenda on its head. That’s right. A communist agenda. As such, Trump is a threat to all who have been actively destroying this country with their communist timetables, while lining their pockets. This includes fellow travelers who claim to be “conservatives”– and are part of the farcical groups who tried to stop Trump (and are still trying) in the name of “conservatism. ” Do not accept their excuses. Our national security is at stake– and our lives are at risk.

Very few analysts can decipher and expose the truth about the current explosion of treason in Washington DC like my colleague JR Nyquist. What follows will open your eyes about the treasonous U.S. counterintelligence agents and their espionage against President Trump– and will eliminate the noise and confusion created by communists in the media.

JR Nyquist has the cojones to say the truth.

Marielena Montesino de Stuart
Someone has to say the truth…
February 22, 2017

Reprinted with permission from JR Nyquist

Golitsyn’s Methodology
and the Trump Administration
Commentary for 20 February 2017

"The new methodology provides explanations for many contradictions and anomalies in the communist world on which the old methodology throws no light. It explains the confidence of the communist world and the loyalty and dedication of the vast majority of its officials. It explains the reasons for disclosures of information by the communist world about itself and relates them to the requirements of long-range policy. It explains the seeming tolerance of a totalitarian system toward dissension openly expressed by its citizens in their contacts with foreigners. It provides criteria for assessing the reliability of sources, for distinguishing genuine secret agents and defectors from provocateurs, for distinguishing genuine information from disinformation and propaganda. It provides pointers to the identification of agents of influence in the West. It suggests that disinformation, recognized as such, can provide clues to the intentions of its authors. It offers guidance on the relative importance of the official and unofficial communist sources. It diverts attention from spectacular communist polemics between parties and focuses it instead on the solid advances in the groundwork of communist cooperation and coordination. It points the way to recovery from the crisis in Western studies and assessments of communism. It could help to revive the effectiveness of Western security and intelligence services. It explains the communist victory in the Vietnam War despite the Sino-Soviet split. Above all, it explains the willingness and ability of the communist world, despite the appearance of disunity, to seize the initiative and to develop and execute its strategies in relation to the United States, the other advanced industrial countries, and the Third World in the quest for the complete and final victory of international communism."

-Anatoliy Golitsyn, New Lies for Old, p. 102

What would Anatoliy Golitsyn, the KGB defector who correctly anticipated the fake collapse of communism, say about the Trump administration? I believe he would say that the communist strategists have launched a new provocation based upon a supposed split between the communist-dominated U.S. Democratic Party and (Soviet) Russia.

This supposed split offers some tantalizing tactical advantages to the communist side. It diverts attention from the extensive and treasonous collaboration of the American Left with Russia and the communist bloc. It also helps to camouflage future collaboration on the part of Trump’s critics. (People who warn of Russian interference with the elections will not be scrutinized too carefully themselves in this regard, especially by a media that is packed with communist operatives). To say that Trump is a Russian puppet diverts attention from the fact that those leveling the accusation have served Russia and the communist cause for many years. It weakens the authority of a president who has promised to reverse the many policies of national self-negation which have been the mainstay of the Democratic Party, and the watchword of the Republican establishment.

Meanwhile, Barack Obama continues to relay commands to his leftist cadres within the U.S. Federal Government. This is why he stayed in Washington. For all intents and purposes, he is still president; that is, he is the commander-in-chief for the communists in Washington. Their conspiracy continues, as ever, toward the “inevitable” convergence of capitalism with communism (on communist terms).

It is important (from the communist point of view) that nobody guess the actual situation, that nobody see how far the subversion has gone, or how powerful the communist side has become within the state. While Obama was U.S. President an identical circumstance played out in Washington as in Moscow. In both capitals the communists were depicted as an inconsiderable and irrelevant minority. In reality, the presidents of both countries were committed communists. The levers of power were in their hands, and the world suspected nothing. While Obama worked to disarm the United States, Putin worked to rearm Russia. While Obama undercut our allies abroad, Putin invaded Crimea and intervened in the Middle East. As the danger grew, as Hillary Clinton was sure to be the next and final president, the collaboration between Washington and Moscow was guaranteed to result in America’s defeat.

But then a miracle happened. Donald Trump was elected president; a man of impeccable nationalist instinct, of remarkable courage in the face of the enemy. The communists were aghast at his victory. And so, strange as it seems, they decided on a preposterous fraud. While they posed as Russia’s enemies, Donald Trump would be depicted as Russia’s friend.

For the leading communists to deny their communist affiliation was a preliminary strategic step in both Washington and Moscow. Freed from the label of what they had actually been, the communists were able to advance without opposition from those annoying anti-communists. And now they are compelled by the logic of their false position to paint the “patriotic American dinosaur” (Donald Trump) as Russia’s puppet. Here the real puppet points to the man and declares that he is the puppet. It is a history-making deception. It is grand and it is bold. It cynically estimates the ignorance of the populace, the corruption of the political class, and the willing treachery of the media. It relies on the fact that the smartest strategists and analysts on the American side have been sidelined or murdered. So there is nobody to call out the truth.

Who now dares say the truth about what has happened in this country? Anyone writing in this vein is committing career suicide. Therefore, only someone without a career would dare to write along these lines at all! Even then it means being assigned to a death list, like Anna Politkovskaya and Alexander Litvinenko. (You want a successful career? You want to live? Sing the tune that is assigned. Play a role out of the communist script. You can be a conservative if you wish, but you will be Moscow’s conservative.)

Of course, you probably think I am crazy. You think communism went away in 1991. You think that communism no longer exists. But then you will have to explain how we got here – with communist thugs using open intimidation on the streets of our cities! If communism lost the Cold War, why does it presently hold such power in government agencies, universities and newspapers? Why do you think U.S. counterintelligence is spying on the President of the United States and his staff? Who wants to bring him down? You need to explain all the variable phenomena of today: from the communist-inspired economic sabotage of global warming “science” to the insistence that our border remain a sieve. It is only our enemies who stand to gain from these policies.

But communism is dead. Nobody believes in it anymore. We are told that the last true believer in communism was Stalin’s protégé and USSR Communist Party Ideology Chief Mikhail Suslov. Gorbachev and Yeltsin, and other top Soviet officials, made a show of abandoning communism. But I tell you it was only a show. Former KGB officer Anatoliy Golitsyn insisted that all communist sources of information are larded with falsehood; that communist officials publicly and privately make misleading statements about themselves, their thoughts and their intentions.

What do we actually know about the thinking of Mikhail Suslov or Mikhail Gorbachev (for that matter)? We only know what Communist Party officials say is true – about themselves and their party. And communists lie! There is also a more subtle point, which may seem contradictory, but is fundamental at the non-ideological level: It is irrelevant what Suslov or Gorbachev believed. Their personal beliefs would be decisive only if Marxism had been a mere belief system, if it represented a stable set of principles; but Marx himself did not believe in Marxism. He laughed at people who believed in it. Why would it matter if Suslov also did not believe?

What is decisive to understand about Marxism is its ever-shifting role as a rationale for a new kind of power. What is important here is not the particulars of the rationale itself, but the spirit which calls forth the rationale in the first place. If we want to understand how the great totalitarian machine is able to morph and shift and change with the times, we must go to its soul. At bottom Marxism is a strategy behind which stands a pathological desire for absolute power and global destruction. The outward phenomenon of Marxism is merely the intellectual camouflage of the politically self-actualized psychopath. Here is the outward expression of his rationalization for murder, for seizing power. This outward expression has changed time and time again, but its spiritual essence is always the same. And we always seem to miss the point of it. We always seem to address the inner thoughts and intentions of people who are assumed to believe or not believe in a set of “principles.” But this is an error. We do not understand these people at all! The communist does not take ideas seriously. He is serious only about power and strategy.

A mask is not an idea. A strategy is not a principle. These are tools, weapons, methods. Marx did not believe in his tools. He used them, and his followers used them, until the tools of the hour no longer served their purpose. Then the old tools, the old weapons, were discarded for a new set of weapons – “new lies for old.” Those who talk about belief or disbelief are only talking about the superficial shell of the thing, which can be replaced with a new shell – a new outward appearance. If Marx did not believe in Marxism, then the true Marxist should not believe in it either. It is a sorry swindler who believes in his own swindle. Behind the shell of the communist’s outward pretenses we find the same core phenomenon: the malevolent soul of the destroyer, the envious lusting for power and revenge, the hatred of the good for being the good. And in this soul’s self-affirmation we find, curiously, a reformulation of the same old totalitarian themes; the same old bag of tricks for debasing and leveling humanity. All that being said, the outward shell of the supposedly debunked Marxism is by no means out of the game. Out-and-out communism could return to power at any time. The various outer shells – the rationales and swindles – may change and shift as circumstances require; yet the driving force from within remains ever constant, ever alert to new opportunities. Marxism is strategy, not belief. That is why Mao Zedong said, “Marxism is better than a machine gun.” One does not believe in a machine gun. One uses it, merely, to neutralize an enemy. One must keep in mind the usefulness, in this regard, of ideological mortars and howitzers and atomic bombs – the whole arsenal of political correctness.

But you cannot get over this idea; namely, that communism is dead. You saw it die on TV. How can we talk once again about Marxism-Leninism? Or as an Estonian presidential candidate once asked in response to my discourse: “What’s Marxism-Leninism?” His pained expression relayed the idea that Marxism-Leninism was something that didn’t really exist. Nobody believed in it, so why did it matter? Even the communists don’t believe in communism anymore. It’s as simple as that! Any idiot who tells you that there are true-believing communists should wear a dunce cap. Russia a democracy. China is capitalist. Cuba is an open society with superb health care. And that nice little North Korean man is a champion of world peace!

It is merely one more ridiculous proposition out of many. In fact, it is the final ridiculous proposition. It is the proposition that crushes man’s soul. To say that communism doesn’t exist is to surrender. It means giving up your country to the communists who don’t exist. Remember the Ministry of Truth from George Orwell’s 1984? It was a ministry that dispensed nothing but lies. Now imagine if the Ministry of Truth disbanded itself and admitted to lying. “We are turning over a new leaf,” says the Ministry of Truth. “We are now the Ministry of the Real Truth.” Oh, it’s such a relief! Finally, we can believe in them! Marxism-Leninism is gone and the Marxist-Leninists are now honest! If they say we won the Cold war, we won the Cold War. In a world where nonsense is often believed, why would this nonsense not be accepted as the New Gospel (according to Saint Gorbachev)? The hammer and sickle comes down, the tricolor goes up. How could you question that? It’s like being against chocolate!

So where did all the communists go? Did they simply revert to Christianity? Did they become Scientologists? Stop and think for a moment. You control half the planet and you’ve been fooling people in every country for decades. And what do you do for an encore? You fall off the edge of the flat earth! Well, I guess they topped themselves after all. And then, twenty-five years later, suddenly, you discover they have taken over your child’s mind and sent him into the street to beat up an old displaced factory worker wearing a hat which says, “Make America Great Again.” You have the CIA and FBI spying on the President of the United States to the advantage of change agents. And Congress is dragging its feet on Trump’s cabinet nominees because they’ve been honey-trapped by the Satanic Pedophile communist zombie apocalypse.  It is real Satanism, real pedophilia, real undead communists, and a real apocalypse.

Have you ever seen the movie Invasion of the Body Snatchers? It’s an allegorical fiction about a communist takeover. Well, we’re living it. In fact, the pod people are attempting to convince the world that they are the ones fighting the alien invasion! This lie is repeated on every news channel. And you might easily believe them: First, because you did not understand who the enemy was. Second, because you don’t believe in pod people. Third, because you voted pod people into the White House in 1992, 1996, 2008 and 2012. And when the pod people finally colonized your government and rotted out your nuclear arsenal, the old pod president didn’t go back to Illinois. He remained in Washington to command the pod-people army inside the federal government, while Mr. Trump erroneously believes himself to be in charge.

So they don’t believe in Marxism-Leninism anymore? So why do we have socialized medicine? And why does Vladimir Lenin, who died in 1924, lie calmly with his eyes closed in his mausoleum on Red Square – not buried in a grave with a stone marker? No doubt, he is kept on display in Moscow because “nobody there believes in him anymore”! It’s a funny kind of not-believing in someone, don’t you think?

Nobody in Moscow believes in communism! They refuse to bury Lenin because he makes a nice tourist attraction. And besides, Vladimir Putin wears a cross and says he believes in God. (Well, he doesn’t really like to talk about it. But we think he believes in God.) And so, at the end of the day, we are all Kremlin puppets. We are all bouncing helplessly at the end of Moscow’s string. Even now the puppet-master appears to be at odds with his most secret creatures – the moles at CIA and FBI! Appearances notwithstanding, the puppeteer must always hide the puppet’s strings. This he accomplishes by a diversion in which he calls the man (Trump) a puppet and the puppet (Obama) he calls a man. And so, as well, he calls his friend enemy and his enemy he calls friend.

If President Trump could read one paragraph of these scribblings, I would wish that he read this last paragraph. Then he might understand, in an instant, who his enemies are – both foreign and domestic. And I say, that enemy is not an opponent, not a competitor, not a business rival. No, no. I mean – an enemy! And once our president can tell friend from foe, his strategic compass will align to true north and half the battle will be won.


Belgium, Cuba, Ted Cruz, National Security, Barack Obama, Argentina, Online Voting, Donald Trump

Don’t miss these commentaries by Marielena Montesino de Stuart:

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

You may contact Marielena HERE
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News, Noticias, Nouvelles, Current Events, Actualidades, actualités, Belgium, Cuba, Ted Cruz, National Security, Barack Obama, Argentina, Online Voting, Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Marielena Montesino de Stuart, Marielena Speaks.

A Message from Brussels…


A Message from Brussels one week before the terrorist attacks (VIDEO)

It’s time to lift the fog… someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.





Brussels, Belgium, Terrorism, Communism, Marielena Montesino de Stuart, Marielena Speaks, Marielena Stuart, A Message from Brussels.

KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE BALL: An Urgent Message from Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Our country has descended into a socialist abyss of immorality which is destroying society from every angle. This dangerous descent is rooted in laws which go against our basic humanity– by supporting the murder of babies through abortion and through the abandonment of marriage between one man and one woman as the only natural union for the continuation of humanity. What follows from the aforementioned chaos is complete economic disorder and confusion– because the basic foundations of a healthy society, traditional marriage and value for human life are missing.

One example of this chaos is the much-discussed crisis in our Social Security system. Yet, American legislators choose to omit from their discourse one fundamental truth: we have lost millions of contributors to the Social Security program because they were not allowed to live. So many in fact, that since Roe vs. Wade the death of Americans through abortion exceeds the population of Great Britain.

This chaos is pervasive and persistent. It’s called Communism.

This chaos is evident through the nefarious effect of United Nations socialist policies involving population control in African nations and in areas of the world that do not even meet a population growth that would ensure the continuation of their societies and cultures.

This chaos is evident in the crisis of the Middle East– and how China is standing by, watching the Middle East fall apart, in order to reap the benefits of a “sustainable development” region that they can control economically. In fact, this is already happening with China’s economic presence on the banks of the ancient Nile and sub-Saharan Africa– and throughout the Middle East region.

Frankly speaking, Communist China is everywhere– and it is relentless in its agenda to control energy sources, and in its determination to be a major “stakeholder” (a globalist term) in the internal facilities that make business activity possible, such as communication, transportation, and distribution networks, financial institutions and markets, and energy supply systems.

The bottom line is this: we are fighting a war on many different places– but the enemy fueling these wars is one: COMMUNISM.

As such, I am respectfully asking my readers to be extremely careful about being drawn into conspiracy theories, which only serve to confuse and isolate the individual from the clear objective: to combat Communism wherever it is– which today has metamorphosed dangerously into programs that exist right under our noses, on a local, state and federal level. It is the responsibility of every freedom-loving individual to learn to identify these dangerous Communist programs– through facts, NOT through conspiracy theories and theorists who will drain your precious time and create even more confusion.

If you allow yourselves to become part of conspiracy theories you will only help bring about the Leninist-Marxist dream of converging the right and the left. I see this already happening to an alarming degree when individuals who identify themselves as “conservatives” promote those who are Marxists, simply because they identify with one of the theorist’s “causes.”

Keep your eyes on the ball. Communism is humanity’s biggest enemy. Over 120 million lives have been lost at the hands of communist regimes in different parts of the world. By fighting against Communism, you will fight against Islamic extremism and totalitarian regimes who all receive support from the Communists at the United Nations.

Keep your eyes on the ball.

Marielena Montesino de Stuart
March 23, 2016

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

Please click HERE for important copyright terms and conditions, and instructions for quoting excerpts.

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Don’t miss my commentary on Obama’s visit to Cuba

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart



Obama’s visit to Cuba has turned out to be a diplomatic disaster. As POTUS he was not greeted at the airport by Raúl Castro– and has been treated with a veiled disdain by the Communist government of Cuba– which doesn’t miss a chance of letting Obama know that it hates America.

Read my commentary: Obama’s Visit to Cuba: 57 Years of Communist Terror Erased from History.

It’s time to lift the fog… someone has to say the truth.

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.


Cuba, Barack Obama, Israel, the Vatican, Marielena Montesino de Stuart, News, Notizie, Nouvelles, Actualidades, Actualités, Current Events, Diplomacy.

GOP Debate, China, Music, Obama, Iraq, Super Tuesday, Cuba, Pakistan

Don’t miss “Mitt Romney is the Reversible Man– the Republican Party in Free Fall

This week in review

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

The GOP Debate in Detroit: Not a word about Abortion

Another long debate with so much acting-out and little or no substance. Another show for network ratings and profits– and not a word about the defense of innocent human life. A nation that elects a leader who does not place the defense of innocent and defenseless human life above all– is a nation which has sold its future to materialistic atheism.

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

Censored in China


He had grown accustomed to the perks that come with being a powerful property tycoon who plays according to the Communist Party rules– that is until his fingers got too happy on the keyboard.

Ren Zhiqiang had over 30 million followers on his microblogging account. But everything came to a screeching halt when he criticized Xi Jinping, the President of Communist China. Mr. Ren asked for state media to serve the people of China- who, after all, are the ones who pay for it. Beijing’s government immediately took action to censor and shut down his account and issued statements accusing Mr. Ren of subversive activities against the government.

The BBC reports:

The Cyberspace Administration of China accused Mr. Ren of publishing “illegal messages that had a bad impact.”

As a Communist dictatorship, China maintains very strict Internet regulations– which include blocking major websites and censorship of posts by audacious bloggers. China’s censorship program is massive– given the fact that China represents the largest online population in the world.

China has issued new rules, which will take effect on March 10, banning foreign media and foreign joint ventures from posting content online without the blessing of Communist Party officials. The BBC’s English language website has been blocked in the past across China. On October 15, 2014, BBC Global News director, Peter Horrocks said it appeared to be “deliberate censorship,” on a BBC article titled “BBC’s website is being blocked across China.”

With this scenario in mind, I am not surprised that BBC’s China Editor, Carrie Gracie, is currently taking “long service leave” from China until the summer, and has returned to the U.K. Here’s an excerpt that appeared in The Guardian (28 February, 2016, titled: BBC’s Carrie Gracie: ‘China is difficult– a giant piece of history rising’)

China’s political situation worries her greatly. “The level of oppression, Orwellian security is very serious,” she says. “I feel perhaps I need to ratchet up the coverage over some of the sombre truths.

Last summer, some Hong Kong booksellers disappeared– and journalists are under constant threat. Lawyers are being imprisoned (but I must admit that the idea of trying to practice “law” under a Communist dictatorship is baffling!).

Xi Jinping is turning out to be Mao in a suit and tie. His reign of terror is driving underground just about anyone who opposes him. Or they leave China, before it’s too late.

© Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

Music for a Sunday Afternoon: Caprice Viennois

Enjoy Fritz Kreisler’s unforgettable Caprice Viennois… your mind and heart need it:


(c) Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

Obama’s failures in Iraq keep mounting

More death and destruction took place today in Baghdad. The New York Times has issued the following report– which confirms Obama’s failure in that region:

BAGHDAD — Militants attacked an outdoor market on Sunday in eastern Baghdad, killing at least 59 people and wounding nearly 100, officials said.

A bomb ripped through the crowded Mredi market in the Shiite district of Sadr City, a police officer said. Minutes later, a suicide bomber blew himself up amid the crowd that had gathered at the site of the first bombing, he added.

Interior Ministry spokesman Sad Main said the bombings killed 38 people and wounded another 62.

Multiple hospital officials later increased the casualty toll to 59 dead and 95 wounded. All officials spoke on condition of anonymity as they were not authorized to release information.

The attack was the deadliest in a wave of recent explosions that have targeted commercial areas in and outside Baghdad.

Obama’s approach of leading from behind has failed. The military experts that he sent to the area a few months ago do not appear to have the situation under control– and the ISIS bloody footprint in Baghdad, as the capital of Iraq, will be very difficult to remove. The new POTUS in 2017 will have to do a major overhaul of our Middle East policy.

(c) Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

The Complex Math of Super Tuesday

Things are heating up! Yes, ladies and gentlemen… Super Tuesday is almost here! That’s the day when Americans get a blank look on their face when asked to explain THE DELEGATES… This will surely help: 

@Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

Cuba matters


As someone who suffered under the bloody Communist dictatorship of Fidel Castro, I am deeply concerned about the lack of interest in discussing the plight of the Cuban people  during the Republican presidential debates. There has also been little or no discussion of Obama’s one-way diplomacy with Cuba. This silence about Cuba, on the part of the candidates, extends to their time on the campaign trail. Two of the candidates for POTUS, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, are sons of Cuban immigrants. What’s going on?

© Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

The Plight of Christian Refugees from Pakistan

GOP Debate, China, Music, Obama, Iraq, Super Tuesday, Cuba, Pakistan, Abortion, Avortement, Aborto, News, Noticias, Notizie, Nouvelles, Current Events, Actualidades, Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Marielena Montesino de Stuart.

KEEP GITMO: Communism and Terrorism go Hand in Hand

The Guantanamo prison should continue to house terrorists– as long as Cuba is controlled by Communists. After all, Communist Cuba has been a state sponsor of terrorism. Gitmo is simply one prison inside another.

Some brief remarks on today’s announcement about the Guantanamo prison.

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

KEEP GITMO - Communism and Terrorism go Hand in Hand - Copyright Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.


Today Barack Obama offered a plan to close the Guantanamo prison, which is something he promised to do during his first campaign in 2008.

Obama claims that the prison in Guantanamo “does not help our national security”, but undermines it,”—and considers Gitmo “contrary to our values.” Obama also said that the Guantanamo prison serves as propaganda for terrorists to advance their cause.

He can’t be serious.

What is contrary to our values are the violent acts committed by the terrorists who we have fed and housed in Guantanamo. Transferring these terrorists to other locations is exactly what would put us at risk. As far as propaganda is concerned, terrorists will resort to anything in order to advance their cause. Closing Gitmo is not going to deter them from spreading their evil message.

I see the Castro brothers and the new “diplomacy” with Cuba written all over this.

Meanwhile, a spokesman for the Pentagon announced that the Obama administration intends to meet the deadline, which ends today, by presenting a pathway to closing through the transfer of the 91 terrorists currently imprisoned. This would involve moving some prisoners to third countries—and the remaining number would be brought to U.S. territory. Good luck with that. Congress prohibits the transfer of these thugs to U.S. territory, since there are prohibition in our funding bills that prevent the Obama administration from transferring detainees.

The Congressional Research Service explains this further:

“Several appropriations and authorization measures enacted by Congress have barred funds from being used to effectuate the release of Guantanamo detainees into the United States. Moreover, Congress has enacted several measures barring funds from being used to transfer detainees into the United States or its territories or possessions.”

“The closure of the Guantanamo detention facility would raise a number of legal issues with respect to the individuals formerly interned there, particularly if those detainees are transferred to the United States. The nature and scope of constitutional protections owed to detainees within the United States may be different from the protections owed to aliens held abroad. The transfer of detainees to the United States may also have immigration consequences.”

This wanderlust on the part of Obama to have these dangerous criminals traveling as transferees to other parts of the world is reckless delusion— since movement of these prisoners to other countries or to the United States is considered a threat to our national security.

In the scheme of “all things Obama”– it appears that this desire to close the Guantanamo prison is also a goodwill overture towards the Castro brothers—prior to his upcoming visit to Cuba, the Communist island prison.

Communism and terrorism go hand in hand. KEEP GITMO.

It’s time to lift the fog… someone has to say the truth.

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

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Closing the Guantanamo Detention Center

Guantanamo Prison, Cuba, Castro brothers, Communist island prison, Barack Obama, terrorists, Gitmo, Marielena Montesino de Stuart, News, Notizie, Nouvelles, Current Events, International, International, KEEP GITMO: Communism and Terrorism go Hand in Hand.


MADNESS: Some Catholics support Vladimir Putin

Some Catholics who consider themselves custodians of the Faith and stalwarts of traditionalism– support Vladimir Putin as a defender of Christianity! Madness!

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

These peculiar “traditional” Catholics who support Vladimir Putin are fairly sophisticated individuals. They are mostly educated, professionals, well traveled– including at least one published writer. So are they fellow travelers, just misinformed– or irresponsible and foolish? I’ll be kind and assume they’re misinformed. Read more…


MADNESS - Some Catholics support Vladimir Putin

It’s time to lift the fog… someone has to say the truth.

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.


#catholics, #cuba, #fidel-castro, #raul-castro, #vladimir-putin #notizie #noticias #news

#TrumpDebate: Will #UK ban #Cuban gov’t for 57 yrs. of dictatorship, torture, executions, human trafficking?

Let’s be fair…

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart



It’s time to lift the fog… someone has to say the truth.

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.